Moving into the future

Aug 12, 2021 by Énergir in Community
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Dans la rue, a group whose primary mission is to make a difference in the community and that has been helping homeless youth for more than 30 years, wanted to become more eco-responsible. Thanks to a partnership with Énergir, the group’s Roulotte (trailer) now runs on compressed renewable natural gas, thus reducing its environmental footprint.

Determination to change for the better

The trailer is often the first link between Dans la rue and homeless youth; this incredible mobile service centre offers them a bit of respite, meals, and donations of food and hygiene products. In 2017, the vehicle needed to be replaced because of the wear and tear from many years of driving around the City of Montréal. The group saw an opportunity to become more eco-friendly, but they couldn’t afford an electric vehicle. After manufacturer Girardin told Dans la rue about the renewable natural gas option, Énergir stepped in.

Now they fill up at an Énergir head office refuelling station so that the vehicle can run on compressed renewable natural gas!

Shared pride

The Dans la rue team was quite moved and extremely pleased to find a new ultra-low emission trailer that already responds to the transportation sector’s desire for net zero carbon emissions by 2030. Énergir’s teams and its external partners involved in this project were equally excited about the joint effort. In addition to offering technical help in choosing a vehicle and technology, the company worked with its suppliers to reduce the cost of the fit-up and will provide support to maintain the trailer. A donation was also made to support the group’s mission.

Learn more about Dans la rue’s trailer by listening to the 4th episode of our podcast L’énergie autrement (only available in French).

Are you thinking about renewable natural gas for your vehicle? Contact us!
