Énergir: Plugging into hydroelectricity

As an energy leader, Énergir is actively involved in the development of innovative, promising energy projects and is committed to a more responsible energy future. How? By producing and distributing different types of energy to reduce our collective dependency on oil products, but also by developing and improving its gas network while injecting more renewable natural gas into it and focusing on energy efficiency to help its customers, partners and communities to consume less and better.
Wave of the future
Did you know that Énergir is active in hydroelectricity, a renewable, stable and reliable energy that generates very little greenhouse gas? Surprising, isn’t it!
The largest electricity distributor in Vermont
Énergir has a strong presence in the United States thanks to its U.S. subsidiary Green Mountain Power (GMP), Vermont’s largest electricity distributor. With its 44 dams (the biggest portfolio of hydroelectric facilities in New England), the company serves close to 265,000 customers, i.e. 70% of the Vermont market.
A natural choice
GMP was a logical choice for Énergir because this company perfectly reflects Vermont’s proactive approach to the environment as well as the sustainable development values that are firmly rooted there. GMP is a leader in energy innovation and has established the Energy Innovation Center (EIC) in Rutland to study and bring to life the most promising clean energy innovations for Vermont.
Hydroelectricity 101
We have all heard about hydroelectricity, but have you ever wondered how a hydroelectric generating station works? A generating station is a plant where water is quickly driven through a pipe to activate turbines. These turbines turn the generators, which convert the mechanical energy to electrical energy. This energy is then sent to the electric power distribution system, and the water is sent back to the river by way of a tailrace.
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