Contes de Noël bleus

Dec 15, 2016 by Énergir in Community
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As December kicks off, many elementary schools are enjoying the annual Contes de Noël bleus holiday tradition.

Created by Énergir 19 years ago, the Contes de Noël bleus provide a unique opportunity to entertain children who need it most during the holiday season. Thanks to the financial support of Énergir, in partnership with Productions Vendredi 16, professional actors will perform fun and dramatized readings of a Christmas tale to promote Québec literature and literacy.

Once again this year, a dynamic theatre company featuring actress Marie-Evelyne Lessard, well-known and loved by children for her role as Ophélie in the popular Télé-Québec series Les Argonautes, will take to the stage in nine schools in the Centre-Sud and Hochelaga-Maisonneuve boroughs.

Giving the gift of culture

Under its Community Investment Policy, Énergir supports projects that promote cultural development and student retention among young people. The project created by Productions Vendredi 16 is in line with this objective, offering a Christmas activity to develop interest in reading.

This year, the Contes de Noël present an adaptation of the children’s novel Sacripain le Lutin by author Marie Potvin, published by Éditions Les Malins. In addition to introducing kids to an original Christmas tale by a Québec author in an entertaining atmosphere, over the last few years the project has included a book donation component at participating schools. This year, each school received between 500 and 600 new books. What better way to promote learning all year long!

As the holidays approach, the Contes de Noël will surely fill the hearts of students from Centre-Sud and Hochelaga-Maisonneuve schools with magic. This exceptional gift will no doubt delight many children!
