Solar energy: the future is bright!

An energy source that’s free, abundant and renewable? Look no farther, solar energy is here! In addition to water, wind and organic matter, the sun is yet another natural and sustainable resource that we have available to improve our energy future.
Solar is gaining in popularity in Québec and has exciting potential. That is why Énergir is keeping a close watch on upcoming developments in solar technology that use air-preheating to enhance the efficiency of heating and fuel systems.
Rutland, solar capital
Green Mountain Power (GMP), the U.S. subsidiary acquired by Énergir in 2007, has developed an enviable expertise in this field. In 2015, GMP notably built a 7,700-panel solar park in Rutland, Vermont, earning this small town the title of “solar capital of New England,” with the highest production of solar energy per capita in this state.
An enlightened
The Rutland solar park can power 2,000 homes during periods of full sun, or 365 houses throughout the year. It can also store up to 3.4 MWh in a battery system that can, for instance, power an emergency service in the event of an electrical power outage. Currently, GMP has an installed solar power capacity of 30 MW, and several large-scale projects should enable it to grow this capacity by 22 MW.
Boundless energy
In 2017, Énergir also bought Standard Solar, a company based in Rockville, Maryland. This firm specializes in the development, installation and financing of solar photovoltaic systems in the commercial, industrial and institutional sectors. Standard Solar is an industry leader that boasts a large order backlog and manages over 100 MW of solar production.
Our know-how reaching new horizons
The acquisition of these two solar energy flagships has advantaged Énergir to develop more projects. In fact, we have already supported hundreds of solar preheating systems in the province and intend to expand our presence in this field in the coming years.
Solar energy 101
One might think that solar energy is strictly for climates that are warmer than ours. But it’s not the temperature that produces heat, but rather sunlight. A sunny winter’s day of -30˚C generates as much solar energy as midday in the summer.
Read more here.
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