Énergir Certified Natural Gas Partner: Promoting life in blue together
For over 20 years, the Énergir Certified Natural Gas Partner (CNGP) program has allowed everyone in Québec to bene-fit from the highest standards of quality and safety. A portrait of collaboration based on excellence and innovation.
The growing popularity of natural gas owes much to the expertise and dynamism of the CNGPs. Each day, they meet with Énergir customers in the field, helping them achieve their projects as well as developing the natural gas market in Québec.
The program was created back in 1993, when natural gas began to reach small companies and residential customers. At the dawn of this mass movement, it was critical to clarify the roles and responsibilities of the various stakeholders.
Accordingly, Énergir concentrated on distributing natural gas to customers, while the CNGPs focused on installations inside the buildings. To be eligible, these entrepreneurs had to be members of the Corporation des maîtres mécaniciens en tuyauterie du Québec (CMMTQ) and hold a licence from the Régie du bâtiment.+
Mutually beneficial requirements
CNGPs have many duties. Analyzing customer needs for heating, hot water, cooking or other equipment; recommending solutions and explaining how they work; drafting quotes; presenting available grants; and lastly, doing the installation. This is then inspected by Énergir, who ensures compliance with quality and safety standards.
Beyond compliance
Collaboration with the CNGPs goes well beyond compliance inspections. Énergir makes an effort to guide them with technical advice, support them in their sales efforts and provide them with sufficient training through the École de Technologie Gazière. The company is involved in organizing several events, including the Gala Mérite that annually recognizes the most worthy partners.
Lastly, Énergir helps the CNGPs become better entrepreneurs. Many do not possess the resources to hire experts in human resources, marketing, disputes or other areas of management; so some of them spend some time at the École d’entrepreneurship de Beauce, where they learn how to work smater.
To find an Authorized Partner, simply visit the Énergir website dedicated to the CNGPs. This video explains in detail all they do for residential customers.
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