Energy efficiency: Programs to reduce consumption and save money

Oct 25, 2019 by Énergir in At work
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It may seem contradictory that an energy distributor is encouraging its customers to consume less… Yet this is what we have been doing for many years by offering energy efficiency programs to help businesses reduce their consumption while decreasing their greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions.

It is often said that the best energy is the energy we don’t consume! That’s why we’ve implemented energy efficiency programs that have contributed to more than 135,000 efficient projects since 2001. Over the years, these programs have reduced GHG emissions by more than 1.3 million tonnes. In practical terms, this equates to the GHG emitted annually by 325,000 cars. Whatever your energy efficiency project, you may have access to grants if you are an Énergir customer. Read on to find out how.

Efficient renovations

The building envelope has a significant effect on a building’s energy use. That’s why, with our Energy Efficient Renovation grant, we encourage companies to carry out work that will make their buildings more energy efficient. This could include replacing windows, improving insulation on walls and roofs, sealing air leaks, installing thermal screens for greenhouses, etc. If the building is supplied with natural gas, the grant can represent up to 50% of the costs of the work. The amount given is based on the energy savings generated by the work.

A new energy-efficient building

Does your company want to build a new building? In this case, opt for an energy-efficient construction that will not only reduce operating costs, but also increase its resale value. You could receive up to $325,000 under our energy efficiency program’s New Efficient Construction grant. To estimate the amount your business will be entitled to, we calculate up to $5 per cubic metre of natural gas saved, compared to a “standard” building in terms of efficiency.

Preheating the air with the sun

Are you familiar with solar preheating? The principle is simple: by preheating the air that feeds the ventilation system, substantial savings can be achieved on the amount of natural gas needed to heat fresh air. Preheating is done using solar thermal sensors connected to the natural gas ventilation system. With our Solar Preheating grant, you could receive up to $200,000, with the amount being calculated at a rate of $2 per cubic metre of natural gas saved. This financial assistance will cover part of the cost of solar collectors connected to the natural gas ventilation system. Highly efficient solar air preheating generates free renewable energy and reduces GHG emissions, thereby killing two birds with one stone.

For more information, see the list of available energy efficiency grants.
