Énergir and Quebec City, united for waste recovery

Centre biomethanisation de soir exterieur

Have you ever heard of the Centre de biométhanisation de l’agglomération de Québec (CBAQ)? This new facility will produce renewable natural gas to be injected into Énergir’s network.

But what is biomethanation?

Biomethanation is a process that involves converting food waste and sewage sludge into biogas. These organic materials are placed in huge tanks called “biodigesters.” They break down and produce renewable natural gas (RNG), which can then be injected into the gas network.

Everyone wins

The opening of the CBAQ will be good news for everyone. Biomethanation has many environmental and economic benefits.

  • By converting residential food waste and municipal sludge to RNG, Quebec City will reduce its greenhouse gas emissions by 18,000 tonnes per year, the equivalent of taking 4,000 cars off the road.
  • This renewable natural gas production will allow more Énergir customers to take advantage of RNG—a 100% renewable source of energy—and thereby reduce their GHG emissions.
  • Digestate and liquid fertilizer, by-products of the biomethanation process, will be used as natural fertilizers for crop and animal farming, generating new organic materials for further processing.
  • By enhancing organic matter, biomethanation not only promotes short circuits (less transport between each stage of the process), but also the circular economy.[1] In short, it creates renewable energy and wealth at the best possible cost to society.
  • Over the next 20 years, the CBAQ is expected to produce 10.2 million m3 of RNG.

The energy of change

The creation of the CBAQ and the RNG injection agreement between Quebec City and Énergir are part of a decarbonization process that is helping to drive Québec’s energy transition. And best of all, by sorting their food waste, citizens be part of this initiative—and reap the rewards!

[1] The circular economy aims to optimize the use of resources at all stages of the life cycle of a good or service, in a circular logic, while reducing the carbon footprint and contributing to the well-being of individuals and communities (Source: Pôle québécois de concertation sur l’économie circulaire).
